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Highlighting Duplicates across multiple sheets

Hi One and All,
This time I have come up with some conditional formatting stuff. The aim is to highlight the duplicates across multiple sheets and with in the sheet as well.
1. I am assuming that sheet names goes on like sheet1, sheet2, sheet3....
2. The Target Column No. is same in all the sheets. I mean, as in the attached example, its Column A which is being targeted in both sheets.

So here are the steps :-
1. Select the target column in the first sheet say Column A in sheet1 (as in my example).
(Note:- While selecting the column, It is important that first cell is being selected. Because it has relative effect on the Conditional Formatting Formula.)
2. Click Home tab--->Conditional Formatting---> New Rule--->Use a Formula to determine.
3. Enter the following formula there:-
=SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'Sheet" & ROW($1:$2) & "'!$A:$A"),$A1))>1
4. Select the appropriate highlighting way.
5. Click Ok.
6. You will notice some cells are being highlighted. It has three meanings:-
a) The Highlighted cell has duplicates in the current sheet itself. (Delete Ronaldo from second sheet. You will notice Ronaldos in the first sheet are still being highlighted.)
b) The Highlighted cell has duplicates in other sheet and not in current sheet. (Sachin, Neymar, Robben)
c) The Highlighted cell has duplicates in both the sheets. (Current and other one) (Ronaldo)

7. Perform the same Procedure on other sheets to highlight duplicates.
8. You can change the "'Sheet" & ROW($1:$2) part of the formula to produce sheet names of your requirement if they have any similarity and order like 1,2,3 or Jan, Feb, March etc.

Check the attached file:-
Now Case2:-

That is if sheets names have no similarity or order.
List all sheet names in any sheet for reference as I have done in the second attached example and use the following conditional formatting formula.
=SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'" & Sheet1!$C$2:$C$3 & "'!$A:$A"),$A1))>1
It will do the same job as the previous one does but now Sheet Names are produced by a reference.

Check the attached file:-
Duplicates across multiple sheet 2.xlsx

I guess I have been able to demonstrate it well. However, suggestions and improvements are always invited so do write a comment.

Vikas Gauatm


  1. how about if we need to find duplicates with multiple columns and work sheets?

    1. Use powerquery for excel for better data manipulation.


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