Hi one and all,
This time I have come up with a macro that will be activated automatically when you open the file and will ask you at regular intervals say 5 minutes, 10 minutes to save your file.
This time I have come up with a macro that will be activated automatically when you open the file and will ask you at regular intervals say 5 minutes, 10 minutes to save your file.
So here are the steps:-
1. Open the Workbook. Press Alt + F11 to open Visual Basic Window.
2. On the Left Side of the Screen, there would be a Thisworkbook Module. Double Click it.
3. Now Copy and Paste the code below there:-
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call Ontime
End Sub
4. Now Insert Module from the Insert Menu in the Menu Bar.
5. Copy and Paste the following code there:-
Dim Hours, Minutes, Seconds
Sub Backup()
Ans = MsgBox("Wanna Save the File..?", vbYesNo)
If Ans = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.Save
Call Ontime
End Sub
Sub Ontime()
Hours = 0 'Put Hours here
Minutes = 1 'Put Minutes here
Seconds = 0 'Put Seconds here
Application.Ontime Now + TimeSerial(Hours, Minutes, Seconds), "Backup"
End Sub
6. Close the Visual Basic Window and Save the file as Macro Enabled in .xlsm format. ( in .xls for 2003 version)
7. That's it. You can open that file and continue with your work.
8. Excel will automatically ask to save file after the specified intervals.
You can always change the interval time by changing the values of Bold variables (Current delay is 1 Minute ). Make sure FPath must end with a "\" sign.
File can be downloaded here..
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